Rectors of romanian medical universities have met at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
"Collaborative relations between medical universities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova will acquire new dimensions in the development of higher medical education and its connection to European standards". The statement belongs to rector Emil Ceban and was made at the meeting of the G6-UMF Alliance, represented by the rectors of Romanian universities of medicine and pharmacy, who met at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova on 14 September 2024.
The meeting was attended by: Prof. Dr. Anca Dana Buzoianu - rector of Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, the president of the G6-UMF Alliance, Prof. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei - rector of George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology from Targu Mures, Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga - rector of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest, Prof. Dr. Viorel Scripcariu - rector of Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, Prof. Dr. Tudorel Ciurea, ex-rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, and Prof. Dr. Cristian Gheonea, vice-rector at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, Prof. Dr. Emil Ceban - rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, vice-rectors, deans and other representatives of the University.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the problems and challenges of higher medical education, to highlight the importance and impact of bilateral collaboration for quality assurance in medical education and research, but also to identify solutions and new opportunities for the joint development of educational and research projects, organization of academic mobility for students, resident doctors, scientific and didactic staff and researchers, participation in international programs.
Rector Emil Ceban highly appreciated the friendly relations and effective cooperation between the medical universities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova, advocating for their expansion and consolidation. "As partners and members of the G6-UMF Alliance we have the opportunity to share and implement good practices in the management of higher medical education institutions and promote academic excellence. We are firmly convinced that our collaboration directions will add new dimensions to the development and modernization of higher medical education and its connection to European standards", Professor Ceban pointed out.
Rector Anca Dana Buzoianu stated that the existing bilateral partnership would be strengthened multilaterally, offering increased opportunities for growth and innovation in the field of medical education and scientific research, while also strengthening academic ties between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. "The G6-UMF alliance reconfirmed its commitment to support the integration of higher medical education in the Republic of Moldova according to European requirements and standards. This collaboration is essential for the consolidation of medical education at the European level and for the development of a modern and competitive international academic framework", president of the G6-UMF Alliance emphasized.
The Romanian rector reiterated the fact that prospects for collaboration with our university also opened up under cross-border projects, especially research ones, which would intensify from the moment of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. The professor appreciated the internationalization of Nicolae Testemitanu University, the very attractive educational offer, similar to that of medical universities in Romania, and the outstanding achievements of the institution. In this context, Anca Buzoianu launched an invitation to receive a team of researchers of Iuliu Hatieganu University Research Institute in order to achieve an exchange of experience and establish common directions and research projects.
"You have a good track record and a very promising future. I wish you to have the determination, strength and vision to achieve the proposed goals, shape your future and inspire new generations", president of the G6-UMF Alliance specified.
And the other rectors - members of the G6-UMF Alliance - spoke for the expansion and strengthening of collaboration in the didactic, scientific, and clinical areas, the development of academic mobility, the exchange of textbooks in Romanian, English and French, the organization of congresses and scientific conferences, publishing articles in university journals, etc.
The event was followed by the Joint Conference of the Council of Rectors from the Republic of Moldova and the National Council of Rectors from Romania, which took place in Chisinau with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova within the Romanian government, on September 12-15, 2024.
The partnership between Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Romanian medical universities in the scientific, curative and cultural fields was initiated three decades ago. Thanks to the Cooperation and Assistance Program between the Ministry of National Education of Romania and the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, during the last ten years, our university has benefited from 334 scholarships offered to teaching staff for specialization in Romanian universities.
Currently, Nicolae Testemitanu University has 20 collaboration agreements with medical higher education and healthcare institutions from Romania. Under the ERASMUS, CEPUS, AUF mobility programs, in the last eight years, our university has benefited from over 100 outgoing mobilities and about 60 incoming mobilities in Romanian medical universities. Over the course of ten years, approximately 800 students completed short-term internships within the framework of Interfarma, Interdentis and Transmed programs, also participating in the summer schools organized by medical societies across the Prut river.
In the period 2010-2024, 22 joint research projects were carried out, as a result of which 154 articles were published in Romanian scientific journals.
Between 1991- August 2024, Romanian universities donated over 19,000 publications to the Health Sciences Library of Nicolae Testemitanu University of which 14,513 books, manuals and practical guides, while our university offered 800 book titles to Romanian universities.
In the clinical field, meetings of Romanian professional societies are organized in Chisinau, collaborations are established between clinics on both banks of the Prut in order to carry out joint consultations and surgical interventions. Besides, students and teaching staff participate bilaterally in summer schools, and researchers - in exhibitions and inventive salons in Romania.
On April 11, 2023, our university was awarded the title of honorary member of the G6-UMF Alliance. Thus, the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is invited to participate in all the work meetings of the organization.
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