Over 4 thousand people vaccinated at the University Immunization Marathon ”From student to student”
27 May 2021
At the university immunization marathon ”From student to student”, organized by ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, in 54 hours, 4068 citizens have been immunized, of which 2500 with Pfizer, 1188 with AstraZeneca, and 380...
Partnership between ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Tekwill
26 May 2021
Medicina și tehnologiile informaționale sunt două sectoare ce nu mai pot activa paralel. Ele trebuie să se unească pentru a avea nu doar un efect sinergetic, dar și de emergență.
International Family Doctor's Day
21 May 2021
The event brought together over 250 specialists in the field, family doctors employed in the country were offered diplomas by the MSMPS, the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
World Lupus Day
18 May 2021
World Lupus Day is marked annually on May 10, with the aim of increasing the level of information regarding the symptoms and impact of the disease.
International Nurses Day
12 May 2021
Dear nurses, on the occasion of your professional day, we send you sincere congratulations, expressing our high appreciation and gratitude for your responsible and indispensable activity, for the kindness and patience you show to others.
May 9 – Europe Day
09 May 2021
Europe Day – an action that marks the peace and unity of the European Union, as well as its importance as a world force.
European Immunization Week
27 Apr 2021
This campaign is particularly relevant today, when the vaccination process against COVID-19 has started all over the world. The campaign will encourage solidarity and people's trust in vaccines.
Graduation exam at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy to include two stages
23 Apr 2021
This year the graduation exam will take place in two stages: defense of the bachelor's thesis in online format and computer-assisted testing within the University Management Information System.
Medical students showing solidarity for health
22 Apr 2021
40 young doctors traveled, as volunteers, to the localities of the country and informed the population about the observance of the measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Launch of the initiative to create DiaMed.MD network of medical scientific diaspora of the Republic of Moldova
12 Apr 2021
”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will create a virtual space for dialogue and collaboration between researchers in medical sciences – Alma Mater graduates, regardless of the country where they work and live.